6And these words, which I command thee this day, shall be in thine heart:
7And thou shalt teach them diligently unto thy children, and shalt talk of them when thou sittest in thine house, and when thou walkest by the way, and when thou liest down, and when thou risest up.
8And thou shalt bind them for a sign upon thine hand, and they shall be as frontlets between thine eyes.
Deuteronomy 6:6-8
As I watch the news, I am struck again by the great disparity between the values I hold dear and the ones being forced upon children in the public school system. Now, I know that not all public school systems are the same and some are less liberal.That being said, I have decided after much prayer to return to homeschooling. I had homeschooled my children for several years, but had allowed them to go to public school two years ago for several reasons. The first was my then nine year old daughter desired to attend the class of a close family friend. This lady I knew to be a Godly woman who shared Christ with her students daily and upheld a moral ethic I agreed with. My then fifteen year old son was going into high school and I felt that he would benefit from the variety of subjects being taught. On the first point I was correct. My daughter loved being in my friend's class. She made a lot of new friends and her education was wonderful. My son's experience was not so superb. His grades have faltered due to the constant distraction of outside influences that are abundantly present in any school. This school year for my daughter has been a nightmare. There have been frequent fights in her class, one in which a teacher was sent to the hospital. This is in the fifth grade! Then a variety of further misadventures, with my children repeating over and again how much they missed homeschooling. All this time feeling the Lord leading me to an understanding that I had disobeyed His desires for my family. So, after finishing this school year out, we are excitedly looking forward to being the homeschool family again. My daughter is taking a couple of months hiatus from school this summer to decompress from the stress of the past year. My son is planning to start his schooling back as soon as he gets back from his mission trip at the end of the month. I am breathing a sigh of relief knowing that I am back on track for God's will for my family. I know that He wants me to bring my children up in the love and admonition of the Lord. He wants me to teach them His Word and make it an integral part of their education, not a side note. I am looking forward to introducing my youngest daughter to preschool concepts and seeing all of them growing and learning. It is an exciting adventure that we are embarking on. The journey is the best part!
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